Rector: The Rev. Don Frye

Welcome to Saint James where all are welcome!
Our banner outside the parish says it all, "Love your Neighbor. No Exceptions."
Saint James Episcopal Church was founded during the turmoil of the Civil War on October 6, 1864.
Throughout our 160-year history we have remained committed to living out our faith by sharing God's love to
all through our worship, learning, and serving others. Click HERE to read a brief history of the parish.
As an intimate parish (we never use the word small), we are an intergenerational community that
seeks not to be perfect but forgiving and loving. We are rooted in the rhythms of the ancient followers
of Jesus and seek to be spiritually relevant to the needs of everyday life like Jesus did.
As we follow the way of love, we desire to grow deep in our faith as individuals and as a community
so that we can address the needs of people in our communities. We invite you to worship with us and to
be transformed by God's love.
Peace and grace on the journey of life,
The Reverend Don Frye, Rector